So You Think You Can Dance is american dance show, like singing contest American Idol, but with dancing. It's over now, and the winner is Lauren Froderman, lovely little blonde girl from Phoenix.
For me, watching even the last three episodes of the show, was amazing. I've never seen such routines, such ideas, such performances before. Well, back in Moscow I've seen a lot of brilliant russian dancers, but this is somehow different. Because it's a competition, contestants work with professional choreographers, and for every routine they have different choreographer, who comes with something extraordinary. I love the variety of styles coming together in a fascinating mix that makes your heart run faster. Dancers are literally flying, they are so full of energy, full of joy and the best thing is - you can get it from them. Joy and excitement. Best disease ever!

Let's see Lauren's solo:
So You Think You Can Dance je americka tanecni show, neco jako soutez American Idol, ale tanecni. Soutez prave skoncila a vyhrala Lauren Froderman, roztomila mala blondynka z Phoenixu.

I kdyz jsem videla jen tri posledni dily souteze, bylo to pro me uzasny. Nikdy predtim jsem nevidela takovy styly, takovy napady, takova vystoupeni. Vlastne, v Moskve jsem videla dost vybornych ruskych tanecniku, ale tohle je nejak jiny. Je to soutez, takze soutezici pracuji s profesionalnimi choreografy a pro kazde vystoupeni (a kazdy typ tance) maji jineho choreografa, ktery vymysli neco neobycejnyho.
Miluju rozmanitost stylu, ktery se spojuji ve fascinujici mix co vam rozproudi krev v zilach. Tanecnici se doslova vznasi, jsou plni energie a radosti a nejlepsi na tom je, ze to od nich muzete chytit. Radost a nadseni. Nejlepsi choroba pod sluncem!
Tohle je podle me absolutni Laurenina spicka. Na tomhle vystoupeni uvidite, proc prave ona a nikdo jiny, vyhrala soutez a titul Nejoblibenejsi tanecnice Ameriky.
LINK to the official website of the contest. More videos and info here!!! /// Odkaz na oficialni stranky souteze. Najdete tam vic videi a informaci.
Some more brilliant performance of other contestants:
Nektera vyborna vystoupeni ostatnich soutezicich: