I came to U.S. because of a summer job. In fact, I came here to work as a door-to-door salesperson, independent dealer of educational books for kids and students. By the time I signed up for this, even by the time I got here and began my work, I had absolutely no clue that I'm the worst salesperson in the world. I mean, knocking at people's door is not as hard as it seems, as long as you don't meet many rude people. And I did this in Arkansas. It's South. People are friendly. And I'm the lucky owner of "the cutest accent you've ever heard", as I was told yesterday. Anyway, chatting with people was nice, but when it came to sales... I realized very soon that there's no way I can earn enough to even stay here until the end of the summer doing this.
There's also that funny thing about weather. It's hot in Arkansas. But that's not the worst thing - I kinda got used to the heat. Problem was the humidity. It's extremely high, sometimes it's even hard to breathe. I realized, that I desperately need to work inside - with an air-conditioner.
Fortunately, I was able to find another job, and now I work in a pizza restaurant and I'm looking forward to getting mu paycheck soon:)
Prijela jsem do Spojenych Statu kvuli letni brigade. Vlastne jsem sem prijela pracovat jako podomni prodejce, nezavisly dealer vzdelavacich knih pro deti a studenty. V dobe, kdy jsem se k tomuhle upsala, dokonce jeste v dobe kdy jsem prijela a zacala pracovat, jsem nemela ani stin podezreni. Fakt je ale ten, ze jsem ten nejhorsi prodejce na svete. Chci rict, samotne klepani na dvere neni tak tezke jak vypada, dokud nepotkate vylozene neprijemne lidi. Ja prodavala v Arkansasu. To je na Jihu. Lidi jsou pratelsti. A ja jsem stastny majitel "toho nejroztomilejsiho prizvuku co jste kdy slyseli", jak mi bylo receno vcera.
Zkratka a dobre, kecat s lidma bylo fajn, ale kdyz doslo na prodavani... Dost brzo jsem si uvedomila, ze pro me neni mozny si tomhle zpusobem vydelat ani tolik, abych mohla zustat v Americe do konce leta.
A pak je tu ta vec s pocasim. V Arkansasu je vedro. Ale to neni to nejhorsi - na horko jsem si tak nejak zvykla. Problem byla vzdusna vlhkost. Je fakt extremne vysoka, nekdy je tu tezky i dychat. Doslo mi, ze zoufale potrebuju pracovat uvnitr - s klimatizaci.
Nastesti jsem si nasla jinou praci a ted pracuju v pizzerii a tesim se, ze brzo dostanu vyplatu:)
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